Monday, May 11, 2015

NEW Blog Button!

Shout out to all the wonderful women out there, I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day! I am eternally grateful for the influence my mom and all the other amazing women who have impacted my life. I know that the work you all do is more important than anything else in the entire world. I am so grateful for the love and amazing example my mom is to me!  Keep being the amazing Christlike examples you are!

You may have noticed a week or so ago that I added a blog button to my side bar.... that was terrible. <sigh> After reading lots of online tutorials I tried it and it failed. The little box wouldn't show up, the picture was super shrunk and it was hard to read. Well fear no more! I finally got a new one! I super duper appreciate anyone who put the first one on their blog! It means so  much to me, especially since I know it wasn't super convenient, since I didn't have the code easy to grab.

How did I finally figure it out? This grab button builder helped me SO much! All you have to do is put in the information and it works! Then copy and paste the code it gives you into a HTML widget and the little box beneathe it + the button pops up! It was magic;) haha but really it was SO easy!

Also this week I plan to add some other blogs' buttons to my sidebar. There are some pretty amazing ones that I have been meaning to add so watch out for that!

Have a great day!

PS: Check out the new let's connect page at the top.

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I'd love to hear from you! Pretty please with a cherry on top :)